12 awesome Android application development tutorials, Pdf for beginners

Advantages of learning android programming
(1) Very easy to learn if you know Java because android libraries are built on top of the JDK.
(2) Apps can be designed and tested quickly using different view, panels, controls etc.
(3) Very easy to setup android development environment and strat building awesome apps.
(4) You will get so much help from communities and forums if you get stuck something. Free Android programming tutorials will help you to clear your doubts as well.
(5)  Wearable technologies which are coming up like wearable watch, wearable glasses etc. are using android development toolkit. So if you know android programming, you can build apps for wearable devices too.
(1) Android Developer Guide: http://developer.android.com/guide/index.html
(2) Android Developer Training:  http://developer.android.com/training/index.html
(3) Tutorials Point Android: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/android/
(4) Mkyong Android: http://www.mkyong.com/tutorials/android-tutorial/
Android programming tutorial (Advanced)
(1) Expert Android (Pdf): http://www.it-ebooks.info/book/2640/
(2) Vogella (Tutorial): http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/android.html
You will learn below topics in above tutorials,
(1) Introduction to android and android development tools
(2) Android application life cycle
(3) Intent, Activity, Lists, Logging, Dialog
(4) Android with XML, JSON, Sql lite database
(5) Localizing android apps, Media, Camera, Connectivity(Bluetooth, NFC, Wifi P2P, USB, SIP) modules
(6) Drawables, Styles and themes, Live wallpaper, Resource selectors, Animations, Widget
(7) Services, Notifications, Broadcast receivers, memory & performance optimization
(8) Android with GCM (Google cloud messaging), android wear, android annotation, how android app can interact with web application. https://dhacked.blogspot.in/

(9) Different android frameworks including testing
(10) Location API, google maps, sensors & touch and other miscellaneous things.
Happy android learning. Build awesome android apps and have fun
