op best Facebook messenger tricks, hacks and tips 2016. Facebook is one of the most popular social networking platform where people can share their emotions,views etc.People those are joined on the facebook can also use its chatting sevice in which you can talk to your friends on facebook via text messeging but using internet.The Facebook Messenger is the app for android and iphone platforms that is just made for chatting purposes only and using this app you can do a text coversation with your Fb friends very easily.There are some tricks that you can use in this app that most of the people might not be knowing.Here in this article you will know about such great tricks that you can use on your Facebook Messenger app.
Facebook Messenger Tips Tricks And Hacks 2016
1. Play Chess Game
Just type @fbchess in the Conversation chat box and then tap send button.This will open up the chess game on the messenger that you can play with the person whoom you has send this text.
2. Send Animal Image
write @dailycute in the conversation chat.This will send any randon animal image from the internet to the person whoom you are chatting with.
3.Sync with Additional Apps
just send three dots using the conversation box and the apps of other person whoom you are sending the dots will be synced to your device.
4. Log Out
Go to the android mobile settings and then clear the whole of your facebook app.This will then log you out from the Fb Messenger too.
5.Change Conversation Color
Tap on the color options from the settings options of the Fb Messenger.Select the friend and the conversation done with the selected friend.Now change the color of the conversation to that of your own wish.
6.Change Emoji in Facebook
Tap on the emoji button of the FB Messenging app and then change the default emoji of the like button to other emoji from the list that will be provided to you.
7.Mute Notifications
Long press the any chat on the Messenger and then select mute notifications option from the menu that appears.You can also select the time for the mute option according to your wish.
8. Delete Conversation
You can also delete all the conversation messages by single click.Just long press the conversation and then from the above menu just select the” All selected” option .After that just click on the Delete Button.
9. View Hidden Messages,Requests
Go to the settings of the app and then tap on the ‘People’ option in the settings menu.Now just tap on ‘open hidden messages’ option or ‘open hidden requests’ option.This will show you the hidden Messages,Requests.
10. Add Another App
Go to the settings of the app and then select ‘Accounts’ option from there.After that tap on the ‘+’ icon from there and then the app will ask you for the Fb account that you want to add.Just type your Fb account and then Click ok.